Slrn Intrinsic Function Reference Manual John E. Davis, Thomas Schultz, Nov 20, 2014 ____________________________________________________________ Table of Contents 1. Header and Thread Functions 1.1 collapse_thread 1.2 collapse_threads 1.3 extract_article_header 1.4 extract_displayed_article_header 1.5 get_grouplens_score 1.6 get_header_flags 1.7 get_header_number 1.8 get_header_score 1.9 get_header_tag_number 1.10 get_visible_headers 1.11 goto_num_tagged_header 1.12 has_parent 1.13 header_cursor_pos 1.14 header_down 1.15 header_next_unread 1.16 header_up 1.17 headers_hidden_mode 1.18 is_thread_collapsed 1.19 locate_header_by_msgid 1.20 next_tagged_header 1.21 prev_tagged_header 1.22 re_bsearch_author 1.23 re_bsearch_subject 1.24 re_fsearch_author 1.25 re_fsearch_subject 1.26 set_header_display_format 1.27 set_header_flags 1.28 set_header_score 1.29 set_visible_headers 1.30 sort_by_sorting_method 1.31 thread_size 1.32 uncollapse_thread 1.33 uncollapse_threads 2. Article Functions 2.1 _is_article_visible 2.2 article_as_string 2.3 article_cline_as_string 2.4 article_cline_number 2.5 article_count_lines 2.6 article_goto_line 2.7 article_line_down 2.8 article_line_up 2.9 bsearch_article 2.10 get_article_window_size 2.11 get_body_status 2.12 get_next_art_pgdn_action 2.13 is_article_visible 2.14 is_article_window_zoomed 2.15 pipe_article 2.16 raw_article_as_string 2.17 re_bsearch_article 2.18 re_search_article 2.19 re_search_article_first 2.20 replace_article 2.21 request_body 2.22 save_current_article 2.23 search_article 2.24 search_article_first 2.25 set_article_window_size 3. Group Functions 3.1 current_newsgroup 3.2 get_group_flags 3.3 get_group_order 3.4 group_down_n 3.5 group_search 3.6 group_unread 3.7 group_up_n 3.8 hide_current_group 3.9 is_group_mode 3.10 select_group 3.11 set_group_display_format 3.12 set_group_flags 3.13 set_group_order 4. Dialog and Message Functions 4.1 get_response 4.2 get_select_box_response 4.3 get_yes_no_cancel 4.4 message_now 4.5 popup_window 4.6 read_mini 4.7 read_mini_filename 4.8 read_mini_integer 4.9 read_mini_no_echo 4.10 read_mini_variable 4.11 select_list_box 4.12 set_input_chars 4.13 set_input_string 5. Key Input Functions 5.1 call 5.2 definekey 5.3 get_prefix_arg 5.4 getkey 5.5 input_pending 5.6 reset_prefix_arg 5.7 set_prefix_argument 5.8 undefinekey 5.9 ungetkey 6. File I/O Functions 6.1 close_log_file 6.2 log_message 6.3 make_home_filename 6.4 open_log_file 6.5 print_file 7. Miscellaneous Functions 7.1 _slrn_version 7.2 _slrn_version_string 7.3 datestring_to_unixtime 7.4 get_bg_color 7.5 get_fg_color 7.6 get_variable_value 7.7 quit 7.8 register_hook 7.9 reload_scorefile 7.10 server_name 7.11 set_color 7.12 set_color_attr 7.13 set_ignore_quotes 7.14 set_integer_variable 7.15 set_string_variable 7.16 set_strip_re_regexp 7.17 set_strip_sig_regexp 7.18 set_strip_was_regexp 7.19 set_utf8_conversion_table 7.20 setlocale 7.21 tt_send 7.22 unregister_hook 7.23 update 8. Hooks 8.1 article_mode_hook 8.2 article_mode_quit_hook 8.3 article_mode_startup_hook 8.4 cc_hook 8.5 followup_hook 8.6 forward_hook 8.7 group_mode_hook 8.8 group_mode_startup_hook 8.9 header_number_hook 8.10 make_from_string_hook 8.11 make_save_filename_hook 8.12 post_file_hook 8.13 post_filter_hook 8.14 post_hook 8.15 pre_article_mode_hook 8.16 quit_hook 8.17 read_article_hook 8.18 reply_hook 8.19 resize_screen_hook 8.20 startup_hook 8.21 subject_compare_hook 8.22 supersede_hook ______________________________________________________________________ 1. Header and Thread Functions The intrinsic functions described in this chapter are available in article mode and allow you to manipulate the header window. 1.1. collapse_thread Usage Void collapse_thread () Description This function may be used to collapse the current thread. See Also uncollapse_thread, collapse_threads, is_thread_collapsed 1.2. collapse_threads Usage Void collapse_threads () Description This function will collapse all threads in the current newsgroup. See Also uncollapse_threads 1.3. extract_article_header Usage String_Type extract_article_header (String h) Description This function returns the article header line specified by the header keyword h of the currently selected header. The currently selected header may correspond to the currently displayed article. To get a header of the currently displayed article, use the extract_displayed_article_header function. If the header does not exist, it returns the empty string. Notes This function will not query the server. If you are looking for a non-NOV header which was not stored for expensive scoring, then download the message associated with the current header line. See Also extract_displayed_article_header, is_article_visible 1.4. extract_displayed_article_header Usage String_Type extract_displayed_article_header (String h) Description This function returns the article header line specified by the header keyword h of the currently displayed message. If the header does not exist, it returns the empty string. See Also extract_displayed_article_header, is_article_visible 1.5. get_grouplens_score Usage Integer get_grouplens_score () Description This function returns the grouplens score of the current header. If the header has no grouplens score, or if grouplens support has not been enabled, 0 will be returned. 1.6. get_header_flags Usage Integer get_header_flags () Description This functions returns the flags for the current header. This integer is a bitmapped value whose bits are defined by the following constants: HEADER_READ : set if header is marked as read HEADER_TAGGED : set if header has `*' tag HEADER_HIGH_SCORE : set if header has high score HEADER_LOW_SCORE : set if header has low score See Also set_header_flags 1.7. get_header_number Usage Integer get_header_number () Description This function returns the article number for the current header (i.e. the one assigned by the server and recorded in the newsrc file). If you want the current cursor position instead, use header_cursor_pos. 1.8. get_header_score Usage Integer get_header_score () Description This functions returns the score for the current header. See Also set_header_score 1.9. get_header_tag_number Usage Integer get_header_tag_number () Description This function returns the value of the numerical tag associated with the current header. If the header has no numerical tag, zero is returned. 1.10. get_visible_headers Usage String_Type get_visible_headers () Description The get_visible_headers function returns the list of headers headers that are to be displayed when an article is viewed. See the documentation for the set_visible_headers for the format of this string. See Also set_visible_headers, is_article_visible, set_header_display_format 1.11. goto_num_tagged_header Usage Integer goto_num_tagged_header (Integer n) Description This function causes the header with numerical tag n to become the current header. It returns 1 upon success or 0 upon failure. See Also header_down, get_header_flags, call 1.12. has_parent Usage Integer has_parent () Description Returns 1 if the current header has a parent (within a thread tree), 0 otherwise. 1.13. header_cursor_pos Usage Integer header_cursor_pos () Description This function returns the current position of the cursor in the header summary window. This is the same as the ``header number'' of the article that gets displayed if the use_header_numbers config variable is turned on, so it is always a number in the range 1 through SCREEN_HEIGHT-3; do not confuse it with the article number assigned by the server (which can be obtained using the intrinsic function get_header_number). If the article pager is ``zoomed'', this function always returns 1. 1.14. header_down Usage Integer header_down (Integer n) Description The function moves the current position down n headers. It returns the number that was actually moved. See Also header_up 1.15. header_next_unread Usage Integer header_next_unread () Description Goto next unread header. When reading from an slrnpull spool, headers for which the article body is not present are skipped. The function returns one upon success or zero upon failure. See Also header_down 1.16. header_up Usage Integer header_up (Integer n) Description The function moves the current position up n headers. It returns the number that was actually moved. See Also header_down 1.17. headers_hidden_mode Usage Int_Type headers_hidden_mode () Description This function may be used to determine whether or not some headers will be hidden when an article is displayed. It returns 0 is all headers will be displayed, or a non-zero value if some may be hidden. See Also set_visible_headers, get_visible_headers, is_article_visible 1.18. is_thread_collapsed Usage Integer is_thread_collapsed () Description If the current header is the start of a collapsed thread, this function will return a non-zero value. If the thread is expanded, zero will be returned. See Also collapse_thread 1.19. locate_header_by_msgid Usage Int_Type locate_header_by_msgid (String_Type msgid, Int_Type qs) Description The locate_header_by_msgid function may be used to set the current header to one whose message-id is given by msgid. If the second parameter qs is non-zero, then the header will be retrieved from the server if it is not in the current list of headers. The function returns 1 if an appropriate header was found, or 0 otherwise. Example One possible use of this function is to mark the current position in the header list and return to that position later, e.g., % Save the current position variable msgid = extract_article_header ("Message-ID"); . . % Return to previous position. () = locate_header_by_msgid (msgid, 0); 1.20. next_tagged_header Usage Integer next_tagged_header () Description This function moves the current header position to the next * tagged header. It returns non-zero upon success or zero upon failure. See Also prev_tagged_header, goto_num_tagged_header, header_up, header_down 1.21. prev_tagged_header Usage Integer prev_tagged_header () Description This function moves the current header position to the previous `*' tagged header. It returns non-zero upon success or zero upon failure. See Also next_tagged_header, goto_num_tagged_header, header_up, header_down 1.22. re_bsearch_author Usage Integer re_bsearch_author (String regexp) Description Search backward for header whose author matches regular expression regexp. If successful, it returns 1 and the current header is set to the matching header. It returns 0 upon failure. See Also re_fsearch_author, re_fsearch_subject 1.23. re_bsearch_subject Usage Integer re_bsearch_subject (String regexp) Description Search backward for header whose subject matches regular expression regexp. If successful, it returns 1 and the current header is set to the matching header. It returns 0 upon failure. See Also re_fsearch_author, re_bsearch_subject 1.24. re_fsearch_author Usage Integer re_bsearch_author (String regexp) Description Search forward for header whose author matches regular expression regexp. If successful, it returns 1 and the current header is set to the matching header. It returns 0 upon failure. See Also re_bsearch_author, re_fsearch_subject 1.25. re_fsearch_subject Usage Integer re_fsearch_subject (String regexp) Description Search forward for header whose subject matches regular expression regexp. If successful, it returns 1 and the current header is set to the matching header. It returns 0 upon failure. See Also re_fsearch_author, re_bsearch_subject 1.26. set_header_display_format Usage Void set_header_display_format (Int_Type nth, String_Type fmt) Description The set_header_display_format function may be used to set the nth header display format to fmt. One may interactively toggle between the formats via the toggle_header_formats keybinding. The generic format specifier begins with the % character and must be of the form: %[-][w]x where the brackets indicate optional items. Here, w is a width specifier consisting of one or more digits. If the minus sign (-) is present, the item will be right justified, otherwise it will be left justified. The item specifier x is required and, depending on it value, has the following meaning: s : subject S : score r : author real name f : from header G : Group lens score l : Number of lines n : server number d : date t : thread tree F : flags (read/unread, `*' and `#' tags, header number) % : percent character g : goto a specified column Thus, "%F%-5l:%t%s" indicates that the header window will contain the, in order: the flags, the number of lines the article contains right justified in a 5 character field, a `:', the tree, and the subject. The g format specifier must be preceeded by a number that indicates the next write should take place at the specified column. If the column number is negative, then the column is interpreted as an offset from the right side of the display. For example, %-24g%f indicates that then From header is to be written out 24 columns from the right edge of the window. See Also set_visible_headers 1.27. set_header_flags Usage Void set_header_flags (Integer flags) Description This function may be used to set the flags associated with the currently selected header. See the description for the get_header_flags function for more information. See Also get_header_flags 1.28. set_header_score Usage Void set_header_score (Integer score) Description This function may be used to set the score of the current header. See Also get_header_score 1.29. set_visible_headers Usage Void set_visible_headers (String_Type header_list) Description The set_visible_headers function may be used to specify the headers that are displayed when an article is viewed. The string header_list specifies a comma separated list of headers to show. Example To show only the From header and headers that start with `X-', use: set_visible_headers ("X-,From:"); See Also get_visible_headers, headers_hidden_mode, is_article_visible, set_header_display_format 1.30. sort_by_sorting_method Usage Void sort_by_sorting_method () Description This function sorts the articles in header overview by the current sorting mode. Example This is useful if you want to apply changes to sorting_method: set_integer_variable("sorting_method", 3); sort_by_sorting_method (); 1.31. thread_size Usage Integer thread_size () Description This function returns the number of articles in the current thread or subthread. 1.32. uncollapse_thread Usage Void uncollapse_thread () Description This function may be used to uncollapse the current thread. See Also thread_size, collapse_thread, is_thread_collapsed 1.33. uncollapse_threads Usage Void uncollapse_threads () Description This function uncollapses all threads. This is usually necessary if you want to use the header movement functions to access hidden headers. See Also collapse_threads 2. Article Functions The intrinsic functions described in this chapter are available in article mode and allow you to manipulate the article window. 2.1. _is_article_visible Usage Integer _is_article_visible () Description This function returns information about whether or not the article associated with the current header is visible in a window and whether or not it is attached to the current header. Specifically, it returns a bitmapped value: 0 : if the article window is hidden and not associated with the current header. 1 : if the article window is showing but the current header does not refer to the article. 2 : if the article window is hidden but attached to the current header. 3 : if the article window is showing and contains the current header article. Example If one only want to know whether or not there is an article visible in the window, then use _is_article_visible () & 1 To determine whether or not it is associated with the current header regardless of whether or not it is showing, use _is_article_visible () & 2 See Also _is_article_visible, is_article_window_zoomed, call 2.2. article_as_string Usage String_Type article_as_string () Description This function will return the entire contents of the current article as a string. If no article has been dowloaded, the empty string will be returned. The current article may not be the one associated with the currently selected header. See Also raw_article_as_string, replace_article, is_article_visible 2.3. article_cline_as_string Usage String_Type article_cline_as_string () Description Returns the current line of the article (i.e. the first one that is displayed in the article pager) as a string. If no article has been downloaded, the empty string will be returned. See Also article_as_string, article_cline_number 2.4. article_cline_number Usage Integer article_cline_number () Description Returns the number of the line that is currently displayed at the top of the article pager. Counting starts at 1 and ignores hidden lines. See Also article_cline_as_string, article_count_lines, article_goto_line 2.5. article_count_lines Usage Integer article_count_lines () Description This function returns the total number of visible lines in the article pager. For example, you could use it with article_goto_line to jump to the last line in the pager: define article_bob () { () = article_goto_line (article_count_lines ()); } 2.6. article_goto_line Usage Integer article_goto_line (Integer linenum) Description Makes the article pager jump to line number linenum (i.e., puts this line at the top of the pager). As in article_cline_number, counting starts at 1 and ignores hidden lines. If you specify 0 or a negative number as the argument, no action is taken and the function returns zero. Otherwise, the new line number is returned. If the article has less than linenum lines, the function goes to the last line. See Also article_line_down, article_line_up 2.7. article_line_down Usage Integer article_line_down (Integer num) Description Scrolls the article down num lines. Returns the number of lines that were actually scrolled. Notes If no article is in the pager, scrolling down first downloads an article. See Also article_goto_line, article_line_up 2.8. article_line_up Usage Integer article_line_up (Integer num) Description Scrolls the article up num lines and returns the number of lines that were actually scrolled. See Also article_goto_line, article_line_down 2.9. bsearch_article Usage Integer bsearch_article (String_Type pat) Description This function works like search_article, but does a backward search. See Also search_article 2.10. get_article_window_size Usage Integer get_article_window_size () Description get_article_window_size may be used to determine the height of the article window. See Also set_article_window_size 2.11. get_body_status Usage Integer get_body_status () Description When reading from an slrnpull spool in "true offline" mode, the body that belongs to an article header might not yet be on disk. This function returns one of the following values: -1 : currently, no header is selected 0 : the body of the current article is present 1 : the body of the article is missing 2 : the body of the article is missing, but requested for download See Also request_body 2.12. get_next_art_pgdn_action Usage Integer get_next_art_pgdn_action () Description This function may be used to get information about what action slrn will take when an attempt is made to go to the next page of the current article, e.g., by pressing the space key. It returns one of the following integers: -1 Not in article mode 0 Next page of the article will be displayed 1 The next unread article will be displayed 2 The newsreader will go to the next newsgroup 2.13. is_article_visible Usage Integer is_article_visible () Description This function returns information about whether or not the article associated with the current header is visible in a window. Specifically, it returns: 0 : if the article window is hidden 1 : if the article window is showing but the current header does not refer to the article 3 : if the article window contains the current header article Notes For some purposes, it may be more useful to the the _is_article_visible function which may be slightly more useful. In fact, is_article_visible may be written in terms of _is_article_visible as define is_article_visible () { variable status = _is_article_visible (); !if (status & 1) return 0; return status; } See Also _is_article_visible, is_article_window_zoomed, call 2.14. is_article_window_zoomed Usage Integer is_article_window_zoomed () Description This function returns 1 if the article window is zoomed, or 0 otherwise. See Also is_article_visible, call 2.15. pipe_article Usage Void pipe_article (String cmd) Description This function may be used to pipe the current article to the command given by the cmd argument. If the article window is hidden, it downloads the article associated with the currently selected header. See Also read_mini 2.16. raw_article_as_string Usage String_Type raw_article_as_string () Description This function works exactly like article_as_string, except that it returns the article as it was sent by the server, not as it has been prepared for display (e.g. before MIME decoding and character recoding). Notes The raw article is no longer available after you called replace_article. In this case, the output is the same as the one of article_as_string. 2.17. re_bsearch_article Usage Integer re_bsearch_article (String_Type pat) Description This function works like re_search_article, but does a backward search. See Also re_search_article 2.18. re_search_article Usage Integer re_search_article (String_Type pat) Description This function searches forward in the current article for a string matching the regular expression given by the parameter pat. It returns 0 if no matching line is found. Otherwise, it returns 1 and the matching line will be left on the stack as a string. See Also re_search_article_first See Also search_article 2.19. re_search_article_first Usage Integer re_search_article_first (String_Type pat) Description Works like re_search_article, but finds the first match in the article (searching from the beginning instead of forward from the current point). See Also re_search_article 2.20. replace_article Usage replace_article (String_Type string [,Int_Type process_mime]) Description The replace_article may be used to replace the text of the currently displayed article with an arbitrary string. If the value of the optional process_mime argument is non-0, then the new headers will be examined and mime parsed accordingly. Example The following code fragment causes the text of an article to be replaced by its lowercase equivalent: replace_article (strlow (article_as_string ())); See Also article_as_string, is_article_visible 2.21. request_body Usage request_body (Integer mode) Description If an article does not yet have a body, you can request it for download using this function. Setting mode to 1 requests the body, setting it to 0 un-requests it. See Also get_body_status 2.22. save_current_article Usage Integer save_current_article (String filename) Description This function saves the currently selected article to a file specified by filename. If the article window is hidden, it downloads the the article associated with the currently selected header. It returns 0 upon success; upon failure, it returns -1 and sets an slang error condition. Notes This function always creates a new file, overwriting existing ones. See Also 2.23. search_article Usage Integer search_article (String str) Description This function searches forward in the current article (if none is visible, in the one associated with the currently selected header) for the string given by the parameter str. It returns 0 if no matching line is found. Otherwise, it returns 1 and the matching line will be left on the stack as a string. See Also re_search_article See Also search_article_first 2.24. search_article_first Usage Integer search_article_first (String_Type pat) Description Works like search_article, but finds the first match in the article (searching from the beginning instead of forward from the current point). This means you can find all matches in the article by calling search_article_first once and subsequently using search_article. See Also search_article 2.25. set_article_window_size Usage Void set_article_window_size (Integer nrows) Description The set_article_window_size may be used to set the height of the article window. The variable SCREEN_HEIGHT may be used to facilitate this. See Also get_article_window_size 3. Group Functions The intrinsic functions described in this chapter are available in group mode. 3.1. current_newsgroup Usage String current_newsgroup () Description This function returns the name of the current newsgroup. See Also server_name 3.2. get_group_flags Usage Integer get_group_flags () Description This function returns the flags associated with the current newsgroup. This integer is a bitmapped value whose bits are defined by the following constants: GROUP_UNSUBSCRIBED : set if the group is unsubscribed GROUP_NEW_GROUP_FLAG : set if the group is new See Also get_header_flags, set_group_flags, current_newsgroup 3.3. get_group_order Usage Array_Type get_group_order () Description This function returns an array of strings that contains the names of all known groups in the current order. Notes This function is only available if slrn was compiled with S-Lang 1.4.x. See Also set_group_order 3.4. group_down_n Usage Integer group_down_n (Integer n) Description This function moves the current group pointer down n groups and returns the actual number moved. See Also group_up_n, group_search, current_newsgroup 3.5. group_search Usage Integer group_search (String name) Description This function searches for a newsgroup containing the string name. It also searches newsgroup descriptions. A non-zero value is returned upon success or zero upon failure. Notes This search may wrap. See Also select_group, current_newsgroup 3.6. group_unread Usage Integer group_unread () Description This function returns the number of unread articles in the current newsgroup. See Also select_group, current_newsgroup, is_group_mode 3.7. group_up_n Usage Integer group_up_n (Integer n) Description This function moves the current group pointer up n groups and returns the actual number moved. See Also group_down_n, group_search, current_newsgroup 3.8. hide_current_group Usage Void hide_current_group () Description Hides the current group in the group window. Hidden groups can be displayed again by calling ``toggle_hidden''. 3.9. is_group_mode Usage Integer is_group_mode () Description This function returns non-zero if the current mode is group- mode. See Also 3.10. select_group Usage Integer select_group () Description This function may be used to select the current group. It returns 0 upon success or -1 upon failure. It can fail if the group has no articles. Note that in some situations, this function will set an slang error condition. This includes cases in which the user interrupted transfer of article headers or all articles got killed by the scorefile. See Also current_newsgroup 3.11. set_group_display_format Usage Void set_group_display_format (Int_Type nth, String_Type fmt) Description This function may be used to set the nth group display format to fmt. One may interactively toggle between the formats via the toggle_group_formats keybinding. The generic format is identical to the one described in set_header_display_format. The following descriptors are defined: F : Group flag (`U' for unsubscribed, `N' for new) d : Group description (needs to be downloaded once with slrn -d) g : goto a specified column h : ``High water mark'' (highest article number in the group) l : ``Low water mark'' (lowest article number in the group) n : Group name t : Total number of articles in the group (estimate) u : Number of unread articles in the group 3.12. set_group_flags Usage Void set_group_flags (Integer flags) Description This function may be used to set the flags associated with the current newsgroup. See Also get_group_flags 3.13. set_group_order Usage Void set_group_order (Array_Type names) Description When names is a one-dimensional array of strings (group names), slrn will sort the group list into the implied order. Strings that do not match known groups are ignored; existing groups that are not included in names remain in their current (relative) order, but will be moved to the end of the list. Example According to the above rule, it is possible to move a group to the top of the list by using it as the only element of names: set_group_order (""); Moving a group to the end of the list can be done by removing it from the list returned by get_group_order and calling set_group_order on the result. An example for a simple group sort based on this function can be found in the file that comes with slrn. Notes This function is only available if slrn was compiled with S-Lang 1.4.x. See Also get_group_order 4. Dialog and Message Functions This chapter describes some functions which are useful if you want to interact with the user. 4.1. get_response Usage Integer get_response (String choices, String prompt) Description This function will prompt the user for a single character using the prompt as specifed by the second parameter. The first parameter, choices, specified the characters that will be accepted. Any character in the prompt string that is preceeded by \001 will be given the `response_char' color. Example The following: rsp = get_response ("yYnN", "Are you hungry? \001Yes, \001No"); will return one of the four characters y, Y, n, or N to the vari- able rsp. See Also get_yes_no_cancel, set_color, get_select_box_response 4.2. get_select_box_response Usage Integer get_select_box_response (title, item_1, ..., n_items) Description This function pops a selection box and queries the user for a response. An integer is returned which indicates the user's choice. Example variable rsp = get_select_box_response ( "Pick a number:", "one", "two", "three", "four", 4); message (sprintf ("You chose %d", rsp)); See Also read_mini, message, get_yes_no_cancel, get_response, select_list_box 4.3. get_yes_no_cancel Usage Integer get_yes_no_cancel (str) Description This function displays str in the minibuffer after concatenating "? [Y]-es, N-o, C-ancel" to it. It then awaits user input and returns: 1 if yes 0 if no -1 if cancel Notes If a % character is to appear, it must be doubled. See Also get_select_box_response, getkey, read_mini, select_list_box 4.4. message_now Usage Void message_now (String_Type s) Description This function displays the string s to the message area immediately. See Also message, vmessage, error 4.5. popup_window Usage Int popup_window (String title, String text) Description This function creates a popup window which contains the given text and uses title as its title. It returns the key that was used to exit the window. Notes Since slrn, this function expands TABs in the text correctly. TABs in title are not expanded and should be avoided. See Also select_list_box 4.6. read_mini Usage String read_mini (String p, String dflt, String init) Description This function will prompt the user for a string value using prompt p. The second parameter dfl is used to specify the default value. If the final parameter is not the empty string (""), it will be made available to the user for editing. See Also read_mini_filename, read_mini_no_echo, read_mini_integer, read_mini_variable, getkey, set_input_string, set_input_chars 4.7. read_mini_filename Usage String read_mini_filename (String p, String dflt, String init) Description This function works like read_mini, but allows the user to tab complete filenames. See Also read_mini, read_mini_variable, getkey, set_input_string, set_input_chars 4.8. read_mini_integer Usage Integer read_mini_integer (String p, Integer dflt) Description This function will prompt the user for an integer value using prompt p and taking dflt as the default. See Also read_mini 4.9. read_mini_no_echo Usage String read_mini_no_echo (String p, String dflt, String init) Description This function performs the same purpose as read_mini except it does not echo the entered text to the screen. See Also read_mini, getkey, set_input_string, set_input_chars 4.10. read_mini_variable Usage String read_mini_variable (String p, String dflt, String init) Description This function works like read_mini, but allows the user to tab complete the names of slrn's configuration variables. See Also read_mini, read_mini_filename, getkey, set_input_string, set_input_chars 4.11. select_list_box Usage String_Type select_list_box (title, s_1, ... s_n, n, active_n) String_Type title, s_1, ... s_n Int_Type n, active_n Description This purpose of this function is to present a list of n strings, specified by the s_1, ... s_n parameters to the user and have the user select one. The user interface for this operation is that of a box of strings. The title of the box is specified by the title parameter. The active_n parameter specifies which string is to be the default selection. It returns the string selected by the user. See Also get_select_box_response, get_response 4.12. set_input_chars Usage Void set_input_chars (String val) Description This function may be used to set the character that will be returned by the next prompt for single character input in the minibuffer. This is the type of input that get_response solicits. Example set_input_chars ("y"); if ('y' == get_yes_no_cancel ("Really Quit")) quit (0); See Also set_input_string, get_response, get_yes_no_cancel 4.13. set_input_string Usage Void set_input_string (String val) Description This function may be used to set the string that will be returned by the next prompt for input in the minibuffer. One can set the value returned for the next n prompts by separating the values by \n characters. Example The code variable a, b; set_input_string ("Apple\nOrange"); a = read_mini ("Enter Fruit", "", ""); b = read_mini ("Enter another Fruit", "", ""); will result in a having the value Apple and b having the value Orange. See Also read_mini, set_input_chars 5. Key Input Functions This chapter describes functions that can be used to control interactive functions from your macros. 5.1. call Usage Void call (String fun) Description This function is used to execute an interactive slrn internal function. Such functions are used with setkey statements in the .slrnrc startup files. See Also definekey, undefinekey, set_prefix_argument 5.2. definekey Usage definekey (String fun, String key, String km) Description This function is used to bind a key sequence specified by key to a function fun in the keymap km. Here fun can be any predefined slang function that takes 0 arguments and returns void. The parameter km must be either "article", "group", or "readline". See Also undefinekey, call, set_prefix_argument 5.3. get_prefix_arg Usage Int_Type get_prefix_arg () Description The get_prefix_arg function returns the value of the prefix argument. If no prefix argument has been set, the function returns -1, which is an impossible value for the prefix argument. Notes The prefix argument is specified interactively via the ESC key followed by one or more digits that determine value of the prefix argument. This concept has been borrowed from the emacs text editor. See Also set_prefix_argument, reset_prefix_arg 5.4. getkey Usage Integer getkey () Description Read a character from the terminal and returns its value. Note: Function and arrow keys usually return more than one character. See Also ungetkey, input_pending, read_mini 5.5. input_pending Usage Integer input_pending (Integer tsecs) Description This function checks for keyboard input. Its argument specifies the number of tenths of a second to wait. It returns 0 if no input is available or a non-sero value if input is available. See Also getkey, ungetkey 5.6. reset_prefix_arg Usage Void reset_prefix_arg () Description The reset_prefix_arg function may be used to reset the prefix argument. This is usually necessary after calling to keep the argument from propagating to other functions. See Also get_prefix_arg, set_prefix_argument 5.7. set_prefix_argument Usage Void set_prefix_argument (Integer val) Description The set_prefix_argument function may be used to set the prefix argument to val. It is mainly used immediately before calling internal functions which take prefix arguments. See Also call 5.8. undefinekey Usage Void undefinekey (String key, String map) Description This function undefineds a key sequence specified by key from keymap map. See Also definekey 5.9. ungetkey Usage Void ungetkey (Integer ch) Description This function pushes the character ch back upon the input stream such that the next call to getkey will return it. It is possible to push several characters back. See Also getkey 6. File I/O Functions This chapter lists some useful functions for file input / output. Please note that most functions you might expect to find here (like opening and reading from a regular file) are already part of S-lang itself. If you need one of those, please consult the file slangfun.txt which comes with S-lang. 6.1. close_log_file Usage Void close_log_file () Description The close_log_file function closes the file previously opened by open_log_file. See Also open_log_file, log_message 6.2. log_message Usage Void log_message (String_Type msg) Description The log_message function may be used to write a string to the log file. If no log file has been opened via open_log_file, the message will be written to stderr. See Also open_log_file, close_log_file, message 6.3. make_home_filename Usage String_Type make_home_filename (String_Type name) Description This function returns the complete filename associated with a file called name located in the user's home directory. If name is already an absolute filename or explicitly relative to the current directory (i.e. starts with one or two dots, followed by a directory separator), it remains unchanged. See Also read_mini 6.4. open_log_file Usage Void open_log_file (String_Type file) Description The open_log_file function causes S-lang traceback messages to be written to the specified file. This is useful for debugging macros. Traceback messages are enabled by setting the S-lang variable _traceback to a non-zero value. See Also close_log_file, log_message, _traceback, _trace_function 6.5. print_file Usage Void print_file (String_Type file) Description The print_file function may be used to send a specified file to the printer. Notes The printer is specified via the slrnrc printer_name variable. 7. Miscellaneous Functions This chapter is for all functions and variables that did not fit nicely in any of the others. They are available in all modes. 7.1. _slrn_version Usage Integer _slrn_version Description The _slrn_version variable is read only. It is an integer value representing the slrn's version number -- version becomes aabbccdd. Example In version, _slrn_version is 90701 (note that leading zeroes are omitted). See Also _slrn_version_string 7.2. _slrn_version_string Usage String _slrn_version_string Description The _slrn_version_string variable is read only. It contains the version string as displayed by the program itself (e.g. ""). See Also _slrn_version 7.3. datestring_to_unixtime Usage Integer datestring_to_unixtime (String date) Description This function converts the date string date (in any format commonly used in "Date:" header lines) to an integer value, giving the number of seconds since 00:00:00 GMT, January 1, 1970. Example The following function returns the date of the currently selected header as seconds since the Epoch: define get_article_time () { return datestring_to_unixtime(extract_article_header("Date")); } 7.4. get_bg_color Usage String get_bg_color (String obj) Description This function returns the current background color of the object specified by obj. Notes Due to a limitation in S-Lang, this function only works on Unix. 7.5. get_fg_color Usage String get_fg_color (String obj) Description This function returns the current foreground color of the object specified by obj. Notes Due to a limitation in S-Lang, this function only works on Unix. 7.6. get_variable_value Usage Value get_variable_value (String v) Description This function returns the value of an internal variable specified by v. Here v must be one of the variable names that can be used in .slrnrc `set' commands. The type of the object returned will depend upon the type of the object v represents. See Also set_integer_variable, set_string_variable 7.7. quit Usage Void quit (Integer exit_status) Description This function will cause the newsreader to exit with exit status specified by exit_status. See Also call 7.8. register_hook Usage Integer register_hook (String hook, String function) Description register_hook can be used to call a given function whenever one of slrn's hooks is executed. It returns one of the following values: 0: Hook does not exist or may not be defined multiple times. 1: Function successfully registered. 2: Given function was already registered for this hook. 3: Undefined function successfully registered. If you register multiple functions for the same hook, they will be called in the order in which they were registered. If a function with the name of a hook is defined, it gets called after those that were registered using this function. It is possible to register a function first and define it afterwards. In this case, register_hook returns 3. cc_hook, make_from_string_hook and subject_compare_hook may only be defined once, as they return a value and slrn only expects a single return value when calling them. See Also unregister_hook 7.9. reload_scorefile Usage Void reload_scorefile (Integer apply_now) Description This function can be used to reload the scorefile after a macro changed it. If the integer apply_now is 1, the new scores are immediately applied. If it is 0, the new scores are used the next time you enter a group; if -1, the user is queried. Notes Outside article mode, apply_now has no effect. 7.10. server_name Usage String server_name () Description The server_name function returns the name of the current server. See Also current_newsgroup 7.11. set_color Usage Void set_color (String obj, String fg, String bg) Description This function may be used to set the foreground and background colors of an object. The obj parameter specifies the object and the fg and bg parameters specify the foreground and background colors, respectively. 7.12. set_color_attr Usage Void set_color_attr (String obj, String fg, String bg, Integer attr) Description This functions works like set_color, but has the additional argument attr that allows you to assign attributes to the color object (if your terminal supports this). attr can be 0 (if you do not want any attributes to take effect) or any combination of the following constants: ATTR_BLINK blinking text ATTR_BOLD bold text ATTR_REV inverse text ATTR_ULINE underlined text 7.13. set_ignore_quotes Usage Void set_ignore_quotes (Array_Type regexps) Description This function allows you to change the setting of the ignore_quotes configuration command. regexps has to be a (one- dimensional) array of 1-5 strings that are interpreted as regular expressions to detect quoted lines. Example set_ignore_quotes (["^>", "^|"]); Notes This function is only available if slrn was compiled with S-Lang 1.4.x. The effect of this command becomes visible with the next article you download. If one is currently displayed, it remains unaffected. 7.14. set_integer_variable Usage Void set_integer_variable (String name, Integer v) Description This function may be used to set the value of the internal integer variable specified by name to value v. name must be an integer variable name allowed in .slrnrc set commands. See Also set_string_variable, get_variable_value 7.15. set_string_variable Usage Void set_string_variable (String name, String v) Description This function may be used to set the value of the internal string variable specified by name to value v. name must be a string variable name allowed in .slrnrc set commands. See Also set_integer_variable, get_variable_value 7.16. set_strip_re_regexp Usage Void set_strip_re_regexp (Array_Type regexps) Description This function allows you to change the setting of the strip_re_regexp configuration command. It works like set_ignore_quotes. Notes This function is only available if slrn was compiled with S-Lang 1.4.x. See Also set_ignore_quotes, set_strip_sig_regexp, set_strip_was_regexp 7.17. set_strip_sig_regexp Usage Void set_strip_sig_regexp (Array_Type regexps) Description This function allows you to change the setting of the strip_sig_regexp configuration command. It works like set_ignore_quotes. Notes This function is only available if slrn was compiled with S-Lang 1.4.x. The effect of this command becomes visible with the next article you download. If one is currently displayed, it remains unaffected. See Also set_ignore_quotes, set_strip_re_regexp, set_strip_was_regexp 7.18. set_strip_was_regexp Usage Void set_strip_was_regexp (Array_Type regexps) Description This function allows you to change the setting of the strip_was_regexp configuration command. It works like set_ignore_quotes. Notes This function is only available if slrn was compiled with S-Lang 1.4.x. See Also set_ignore_quotes, set_strip_re_regexp, set_strip_sig_regexp 7.19. set_utf8_conversion_table Usage Void set_utf8_conversion_table (Array_Type table) Description This function can be used to define a conversion table for decoding UTF-8. table has to be a two-dimensional array of integer values that has two columns: The left column contains the Unicode characters you want to convert, the right column the corresponding local characters. When decoding, any non-ASCII characters that cannot be found in your table are displayed as question marks. If table has no rows, UTF-8 will be converted to Latin 1, which is also the default if this function is not called. Thus, you can reset the default using set_utf8_conversion_table (Integer_Type[2,0]); Notes This function is only available if slrn was compiled with S-Lang 1.4.x. 7.20. setlocale Usage String setlocale (Integer category, String locale) Description You can use this function to change the current locale at runtime. You may want to do this if you read groups in different languages. The syntax is identical to the one of setlocale(3). For category, the following constants are defined: LC_CTYPE : affects character handling (e.g. which 8bit characters are regarded as upper/lower case) LC_TIME : affects the formatting of dates (12-hour vs. 24-hour clock, language of month names etc.) The locale can be any locale supported by your system. If it is an empty string, the locale to use will be taken from the environment. The function will return the name of the locale that was actually selected. Please note that locales are not supported by all systems. In this case, this function will trigger an slang error. 7.21. tt_send Usage Void tt_send (String_Type s) Description This function may be used to send a string directly to the display without any involvement of the screen management layer. See Also message, update 7.22. unregister_hook Usage Integer unregister_hook (String hook, String function) Description This function is used to unregister functions that were assigned to a hook using register_hook. Its return values are: 0: Hook does not exist or function is not assigned to it. 1: Function successfully unregistered. See Also register_hook 7.23. update Usage update () Description This function may be used to force the display to be updated. See Also message 8. Hooks This chapter is special. Rather than describing intrinsic functions, it gives you a list of hooks that can be used to execute arbitrary S- lang code on certain events (e.g. whenever entering article mode). You can define code for a hook by putting it into a function that has exactly the same name as the hook. However, the preferred way to add code to a hook is now using the register_hook () intrinsic function on an arbitrary macro. This mechanism allows to connect more than one macro to a hook, which comes in handy if you want to use pre-written macro sets. 8.1. article_mode_hook Usage Void article_mode_hook () Description This hook is called during article mode after headers have been retrieved but before sorting them. You can use this hook to set variables based on the group name. Example The following macro can be used to change the sorting_method to something more appropriate for newsgroups which contain encoded articles and to chose a different signature when posting to comp.*: define make_group_specific_settings () { variable sorting_method = 7; variable signature_file = ".signature"; if (is_substr (current_newsgroup (), "binaries") or is_substr (current_newsgroup (), "pictures")) sorting_method = 3; if (0 == strncmp (current_newsgroup (), "comp.", 5)) signature_file = ".nerd-signature"; set_integer_variable ("sorting_method", sorting_method); set_string_variable ("signature", signature_file); } () = register_hook ("article_mode_hook", "make_group_specific_settings"); 8.2. article_mode_quit_hook Usage Void article_mode_quit_hook () Description This function is called whenever you leave article mode, including the times you switch directly to a different group (without quitting to group mode in between). 8.3. article_mode_startup_hook Usage Void article_mode_startup_hook () Description Unlike article_mode_hook, which gets called prior to sorting the headers, this hook gets called after sorting has taken place. 8.4. cc_hook Usage String cc_hook (String address) Description This hook is called when sending a "courtesy copy" of a followup -- it gets the author's email address as an argument and is expected to leave a string on the stack which will be used as the address the CC is actually sent to. If the returned string is empty, no CC is sent. Notes As this hook returns a value, you cannot bind multiple macros to it. 8.5. followup_hook Usage Void followup_hook () Description Function called when following up to an article. 8.6. forward_hook Usage Void forward_hook () Description Function called when forwarding an article to someone. 8.7. group_mode_hook Usage Void group_mode_hook () Description This hook will be called whenever group mode is entered. This includes the times when one exits article mode back to group mode. 8.8. group_mode_startup_hook Usage Void group_mode_startup_hook () Description This hook is called after checking for news and immediately before entering the main keyboard loop. When called, group mode will be active. 8.9. header_number_hook Usage Void header_number_hook () Description If defined, this function will be called after selecting a header via a header number. 8.10. make_from_string_hook Usage String make_from_string_hook () Description This function is expected to leave a string on the stack which will be used to generate ``From'' header lines whenever one is needed. Notes As this hook returns a value, you cannot bind multiple macros to it. Example Here is a simple example: define make_from_string_hook () { return "My Name <me@my.machine>"; } 8.11. make_save_filename_hook Usage String make_save_filename_hook () Description This function is expected to leave a string on the stack that will be used to decide what folder an article should be saved to. If the returned filename is not absolute, it is interpreted as relative to save_directory. Notes As this hook returns a value, you cannot bind multiple macros to it. Example Here is a simple example: define make_save_filename_hook () { if (string_match (extract_article_header ("Subject"), "slrn", 1) != 0) return "slrn-related"; else return current_newsgroup(); } 8.12. post_file_hook Usage Void post_file_hook (String file) Description Function called after composing and filtering, but before posting article. This hook takes a single parameter: the name of the file that slrn is about to post. Example An example of this hook is included in macros/ in slrn's source tree. 8.13. post_filter_hook Usage Void post_filter_hook (String file) Description This hook may be called just before slrn attempts to post a file. The hook is only called if the user selects the filter option from the prompt: Post the message? Yes, No, Edit, poStpone, Filter This hook takes a single parameter: the name of the file that slrn is about to post. Example An example of this hook is included in macros/ in slrn's source tree. 8.14. post_hook Usage Void post_hook () Description Function called when posting an article. 8.15. pre_article_mode_hook Usage Void pre_article_mode_hook () Description This hook is similar to article_mode_hook except that it is called before any headers for the group have been retrieved. 8.16. quit_hook Usage Void quit_hook () Description Function called when slrn exits. Note that slrn already disconnected from the server at the time this hook is run. In this hook, it is safe to assume that startup_hook was run before (i.e., if slrn exits before startup_hook had a chance to execute, quit_hook is omitted). 8.17. read_article_hook Usage Void read_article_hook () Description Function called after reading and processing an article. It may use the replace_article function to change it. 8.18. reply_hook Usage Void reply_hook () Description Function called when replying to poster. 8.19. resize_screen_hook Usage Void resize_screen_hook () Description This hook will be called whenever the screen size changes. 8.20. startup_hook Usage Void startup_hook () Description This hook is called right after the newsreader is initialized and immediately before checking for news. It allows the user to set variables on a server by server basis. Example The following example sets the `lines_per_update' variable to 20 and turns off reading of the active file if the servername is `uhog' (it is a slow server): define make_server_specific_settings () { !if (strcmp (server_name (), "uhog")) { set_integer_variable ("lines_per_update", 20); set_integer_variable ("read_active", 0); } } () = register_hook ("startup_hook", "make_server_specific_settings"); 8.21. subject_compare_hook Usage Integer subject_compare_hook (String subject1, String subject2) Description slrn puts postings with identical subjects into the same thread. This hook can be used to override slrn's decision that two subjects are not identical: In this case, it is called with both subjects as arguments. If it returns 0, the articles are put in the same thread. 8.22. supersede_hook Usage Void supersede_hook () Description Function called when superseding an article.